Genome Track Analyzer (ancorr) commandline version 1.4 (genome tracks correlation assessment):

for Ubuntu/Debian/Mint 64bit Linux (Ubuntu 16.04+, Debian 9+, Linux Mint 18+)
- MD5 control sum: 13d9175988fb95a6906578f749561df7
for CentOS/RedHat/OpenSUSE 64bit Linux (CentOS 7+, RedHat 7+, OpenSUSE 42+, Rocky, AlmaLinux)
- MD5 control sum: aa8845334099dda5d53796438fc58d5e
for Gentoo/ChromeOS/Calculate 64bit Linux (Gentoo 2018+, ChromeOS, Calculate)
- MD5 control sum: 6eca2e3153babc25b71cf76ea482c443
for MacOS both x64 and Apple Silicon. You should disable GateKeeper for AnCorr (look to readme.txt)
- MD5 control sum: 873b8f6e740ac213df7791af61f1cbd4
for Windows 64bit (Windows 7 SP1, Windows 10, Windows 11)
- MD5 control sum: c38d1efd3a6996f1b545f96817d841e2

Genome Track Colocalization Analyzer commandline version beta 0.95 (genome tracks colocalization assessment):

for Ubuntu/Debian/Mint 64bit Linux (Ubuntu 16.04+, Debian 9+, Linux Mint 18+)
- MD5 control sum: 0e4a961910524846a07631f28ca8f0eb
for CentOS/RedHat/OpenSUSE 64bit Linux (CentOS 7+, RedHat 7+, OpenSUSE 42+, Rocky, AlmaLinux)
- MD5 control sum: 496eb025cf8d806549faea1d7662d20a
for Gentoo/ChromeOS/Calculate 64bit Linux (Gentoo 2018+, ChromeOS, Calculate)
- MD5 control sum: 2f264bb59f85ea23cb2dd25e58b4eebf
for MacOS both x64 and Apple Silicon. You should disable GateKeeper for AnCol (look to readme.txt)
- MD5 control sum: 59500248cadc42115d77718de6e12ccb
for Windows 64bit (Windows 7 SP1, Windows 10, Windows 11)
- MD5 control sum: 6524be9acf86715b55e72ab5567e42f7

Here you can download some databases to compare your tracks with:

Homo sapiens hg19 build databases:

Exons with strands
- The descriptions of all chromosomes of the Homo sapiens reference genome set were downloaded from NCBI FTP site and then parsed to found coding regions (CDs).
CpG Islands
- Model Based CpG Islands
Transcription Starts with strands
- Eukaryotic Promoter Database hg19 EPDnew 003
HEK293 H3K4me3 peaks
- Histone mark H3K4Me3 ENCODE accession wgEncodeEH000953
Random Dataset 1 in text and BED formats
- Random dataset of non-matched points with the number of points approximately equal to that of exons.
Random Dataset 2 in text and BED formats
- Random dataset of non-matched points with the number of points approximately equal to that of exons.

Drosophila melanogaster databases:

Exons with strands
- Exons list of the D. melanogaster was made from Flybase FTP site GFF files that were parsed to find exons.
Transcription Starts with strands
- Eukaryotic Promoter Database dm EPDnew 002

All profiles below were preliminary filtered by the threshold mean plus two standard deviations and clustered to mass centrum with distance 500 bp.

E(Z) PcG protein
- Dataset built from E(Z) profile EMBL Array Express E-MEXP-535
PC PcG protein
- Dataset built from PC profile EMBL Array Express E-MEXP-535
PSC PcG protein
- Dataset built from PSC profile EMBL Array Express E-MEXP-535
Histone methylation H3 ME3K27
- Dataset built from ME3K27 profile EMBL Array Express E-MEXP-535